Document Type : Original Article from Result of Thesis


1 Assistant Professor of Law, Adalat University, Tehran, Iran

2 Graduated with a PhD in Public International Law from Adalat University, Tehran, Iran


Obligations of states to fight terrorism


International rules and regulations confirm the two main points: a comprehensive struggle and a ban on any interactions and support for terrorist groups; but today, some political imperatives have led to widespread widespread interactions with certain terrorist groups behind the curtain of some states, which is a stimulus to redress the responsibilities of governments towards roles. And their assignments in the process of international life against other actors. With this interpretation, we re-examine the general responsibility of the governments towards the phenomenon of terrorism, and, in addition, we will observe the additional and special responsibilities of the states against other actors in international relations. Considering the danger of these groups for global peace and security and international prohibitions, we continue to see the material and spiritual support of some states from the terrible phenomenon of terrorism, which makes international responsibility a matter for supportive governments. The ability of the international community to take responsibility for these governments and the drafting of this responsibility under the draft international governments' engagement is debatable.

Keywords: international responsibility, terrorist groups, governments,


Main Subjects