Document Type : Original Independent Original Article


Islamic Moaref Departement, Lahijan branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran.


Generally individuals' history of political thought can be searched in texts representing these ideologies. But for politicians, performance and policy positions they have, will be considered in addition to their written works. On the other hand, the viewpoint towards the norms governing international scenes and paradigms to separate governments (outside aspect of governments) and categorizing individuals in international scenes (subordination) can be informative in their special viewpoints toward international norms. The question that arises here is whether in Imam Khomeini's terms the norms governing the international scene are acceptable in absolute terms? If the answer is a negative one another question arises that what criteria exist for acceptance or not acceptance of these norms? It is clear that all countries based of their national interests and power, set restrictions to these rules. In Imam Khomeini's viewpoint another important index is added to these criteria, and that is the congruence of these norms with fixed principles of Islam. It seems that by benchmarking them, he challenges part of the principles of international law which is just on the basis of western thinking.


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