Document Type : Original Article from Result of Thesis




Abstract:The United States has imposed unilateral sanctions on Iran since the 1970s, following the unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal, posing a serious threat to the health system and patients' rights in terms of access to essential medicines due to banking and economic sanctions. Is. Given the interim ruling of the International Court of Justice to reduce US sanctions against Iran, several legal challenges can be imagined. Therefore, the main question of the research is what legal challenges the US unilateral sanctions on patients' right to health have posed in the light of the temporary ruling of the International Court of Justice? In response to this is the research hypothesis that examines the legal challenges of unilateral US sanctions in the form of human rights challenges and the challenges of violating international law. Explanatory-causal research method is obtained by examining documents related to health in Iran

Legal Challenge-Unilateral Sanction-Right to Health-Provisional Verdict- International Court of Justice


Main Subjects

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