Document Type : Original Independent Original Article


1 Associate Professor of International Relations Faculty of International Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran.

2 Graduated from Mofid University, Qom, Iran


The Austrian Freedom Party has been able to draw the attention of the people and the main parties to the issue of immigration and Muslims with its anti-Islamic approach, but what is significant and thought-provoking in its approach is its strong opposition to Turkey. Given that Turkey has extensive historical ties with Austria and today a significant population of ethnic groups in Austria are Turks and their population is increasing every day due to migration or generational production, the Austrian Freedom Party's attention to This minority is targeted. On the other hand, Turkey is also trying to join the European Union, and thus has strongly opposed opposition to EU membership. The present article has been compiled by analytical and descriptive method and the main question is what is the reason for the opposition of the Austrian Freedom Party to the Turkish government? In response to this question, it has been hypothesized that the Austrian Freedom Party opposes Turkey by emphasizing historical, social, cultural-ideological reasons and in order to attract the attention of voters in the elections.


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